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Call for Papers


(aka International Conference for Cold Fusion)

is pleased to announce this year’s Call for Abstracts.

ICCF24 invites submissions for original research studies to be presented at the conference. Submissions will make up the scientific sessions component of the Summit.

Call for Papers Abstract Submission is now Closed!


        Please email with any questions or concerns.

        Technical Program to be finalized and published by the end of May 2022

Important Dates

July 25-28th, 2022

Mountain View, California + On-line


Authors Notified via Email: End of May, 2022

Abstract Submission Deadline:  April 2nd, 2022


Abstract Submission
Original Research: Studies should not have been previously published or presented verbatim at a conference prior to ICCF24.  Abstracts are limited to one page and must include the study’s objective, summarized methods and results, conclusions drawn, and references.  Abstracts should be submitted using the following downloadable template.
Abstracts will be Evaluated Using Peer-Review
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the ICCF24 Technical Program Committee (hyperlink to Committee when available).  Abstracts will be evaluated for the quality of the research study and how important the findings are to advancing the field. Final decisions will be announced by the end of May and will be based on scientific and technical merit as well as programming considerations. 
Topic Selection
Please indicate the scientific session(s) that best match your abstract:

Heat Production


Radiation and Other Measurements

Electrochemical Experiments

Hot Gas Experiments

Plasma Experiments

Beam Experiments



Material Studies

Theoretical and Computational Studies

Modeling and Simulation

Approaches to Replication

Engineering Applications​

Other: Please specify 

Location: Either In-Person or Online
Specify if you plan to deliver the presentation live in-person in Mountain View, CA or
pre-recorded and delivered on the on-line conference platform.
Presentation Format: Oral or Poster

Oral Presentation.  Selected oral presentations can be delivered live at ICCF24 in person or submitted as a pre-recorded video that will be played during the scientific session using the conference on-line platform.  Each presenter will be given 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for Q&A.  Presenters who submit a pre-recorded talk for the on-line platform can also participate live during the Q&A session.  For those that will be participating on-line, we will work with you to record your presentation in advance of the conference (you will not be able to deliver your presentation live on the on-line platform).  


Poster Presentation.  Selected posters can be presented in-person at ICCF24 or on-line.  In-person posters can be up to 4 ft x 4 ft in size.  The rest of the posters will be available via the on-line conference platform.  

ICCF24 Technical  Review Committee

The ICCF24 Technical Review Committee is composed of members of the ICCF International Advisory Committee or other key individuals in the LENR community. Its purpose and responsibility are to act as peer reviewers for the submitted abstracts in the ICCF24 Call for Papers and finalize the Technical Program line-up of presentations.

Chair: David Nagel âˆ™  George Washington University, USA


Jean-Paul Biberian ∙ Aix-Marseille University, France

Francesco Celani ∙ Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Italy

William Collis ∙ ISCMNS, UK

Konrad Czerski ∙ University of Szczecin, Poland

Lawrence P. Forsley ∙ NASA Glenn Research Center, USA

Frank Gordon ∙ SPAWAR, USA

Peter Hagelstein ∙ MIT, USA

M. Ashraf Imam âˆ™ George Washington University, USA

Yasuhiro Iwamura ∙ Tohoku University, Japan

Jirohta Kasagi ∙ Tohoku University, Japan

Anatoly Klimov ∙ Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Russia

Xing-Zhong Li ∙ Tsinghua University, China

Michael McKubre ∙ SRI International, USA

George Miley ∙ University of Illinois, USA

Shinya Narita ∙ Iwate University, Japan

Dana Seccombe ∙ Tactyx, USA    

Akito Takahashi ∙ Technova Inc., Japan

Fran Tanzella ∙ ERC, USA

Zhong-Qun Tian ∙ Xiamen University, China

Vittorio Violante ∙ ENEA, Italy

Questions ?

Please contact:

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